This week Interviewing : Engoa - Honorary Founder / Alpha Tester
Safe Zone: let's talk a little about yourself.
Engoa: Nothing really much to say, My name is Lior, I'm a 20 years old guy that love sport and games, I've been playing video games since the dawn of age, And started training in a gym for almost 6 years by now, I'm a sport fanatic! :) I'm currently working as a gym instructor 5 times a week which takes up most of time during the days. I love helping the Miscreated community on the forums, and i enjoy visiting Miscreated Twitch streams during the work, thank god that Twitch app exists!
Safe Zone: Everyone that know Miscreated know Engoa, helping new members in official forum, moderating stream channels.Everywhere we turn the name "Engoa" is always present. How you see your role in Miscreated Comunity.
Engoa: I just love the game It's literally my baby :P, I love playing with new players that just bought the game and show them the ropes, And i'm trying to do my best to try and help other players with the all the issues that they are experiencing.
I'm really not trying to be something special, as i said above i just love this game and its community, and I really want it to be something bigger!
Safe Zone: How you see Miscreated in 1 year?
Engoa: This game is going to be the killer, This game has so much potential it's amazing! It did so many things that a lot of other big titles dreamed of! and with such a small of a dev team. I'm really looking forward for the next big game changers features that we'll have very soon in the game, and hopefully it'll increase the player population, this game really deserves more!
Safe Zone: Survivalist or pvp player Hunter ?
Engoa: I guess I'm more of a PvP guy, but of course i can be friendly sometimes, it really depends on what gear I'm currently carrying on me, and if it's worth the risk or not.
Safe Zone: Next Updates... your wishlist.
Engoa: Easy one! ;) Of course, Base building, hunting, cooking, fishing, the abillity to make garden plots and cut the grass with the Tractor, The bow/arrow aswell I wanna be Legolas!
Safe Zone: Weapon of Choice?
Engoa: Definetly the 9mm pistol, a lot of people don't like it, but it's great in my opinion! The fire rate is really a life saver in close quarter combats and the fact that you can put a bigger mag attachment in it (19/33 round mag) is sweet, I can spam my mouse and pray to get an headshot on my target :)
Safe Zone: Define Miscreated.
Engoa: Very immersive and atmospheric, amazing graphics, awesome looking and high attention to detail!
Tnx so much to Engoa... find him Online anywhere the word Miscreated pop's out...
Engoa!!! tase li unignore hhh