Patch #35 - 04/18/16
Weather System
• The new weather system is included in this patch
• A server renter can control the weather system
• The weather system adds lightning, wind, rain, fog, thunder, tornado, and rainbows
• We will be adding more patterns and variations in the future (suggestions welcome!)
• See addition information at the end of these patch notes for controlling the weather
New Player Model
• The new player model is included in this patch
• Almost all clothing items have had their models and animations adjusted, so there may be some lingering issues we'll fix in a future patch
• Fixed a couple of server related crashes to increase stability
• Fixed incorrect "Unable to connect to host" message
• Each weapon can now have a different sound radius to alert AI when fired/used
• Terrain view distance set to 2km for everyone - beyond that will cause fog rendering issues
• Added suppression visual effect when bullet impacts close to a player - intensity varies
• Game is now using the latest Steam DLLs to prevent any possible issues with Steam
• Adjusted config variable so there will be less player and AI sliding around issues (not being animated)
• Large plane crash added to the map
• Small part of the big city's residential area opened up North
• Fixed some floating and clipping assets in the large office building
• Added canopies to the Capital Munch building
• Some small hunting shacks added around the map
• Fixed being able to use the outside ladder from inside the Shop N Save
• Fixed decals on some of the campsite tents
• Missing bathtub added to mobile home
• Removed old static 5-ton truck objects to cause less confusion on drivable ones
• Fixed/added rain occluder to buildings to prevent raining inside of them
• Fixed fish mass to prevent them from ramming boats
• Adjusted minimum render distance for small equipped weapons so they don't disappear on low spec settings at range
• Fixed some floating rocks in the shire's forest
• Old oxford shirts replaced with a new button up shirt
• Old hoodie replaced with a new hoodie model
• Old puffy jacket replaced with a new military jacket
• Kevlar helmet added
• Decreased shadow cost difference when the torch is on to increase performance, casts softer light
• Increased smoke grenade's smoke duration, increased smoke density
• Reduced model complexity of the pipe bomb
• Handling for all vehicles slightly updated
• All vehicles "go to sleep" faster when unused - reduces physics and network load
• Thunder sound added
• Removed sound effect when closing the backpack
• Firing sounds for the HK45, 1911-A1, and Ruger updated
• Bullet whiz sound radius increase to 10m instead of 5m
• 5-ton truck plays correct horn sound
• New Spiker "out of reach" animation
• Weapons now all aim at the same spot in raised or ironsight mode - also when changing weapons
• Craftable weapons now do not aim slightly to the right in ironsight
• Rem870 and 870 tactical now no longer have broken DOF when crouching in ironsight
• All aimposes altered for the new character.
• All clothing altered for the new character and re-skinned
• Couple of trees changed to allow wood to be harvested from them
• Drapes updated to react to wind and bullets better
• Model for broken white car's model improved
• Improved performance of the steel building models (especially for low spec settings)
• LODs added for several weapons to increase performance
• LODs added for several fences
• LODs added for radio tower and its ladder
• LODs added for broken vehicles
• LODs added for warehouse
• LODs added for barracks
• LODs added for commercial apartment buildings
• Added physics to warehouse windows to prevent jumping through them
• Consolidated all bus models to use the same one to reduce texture usage
• Replaced old chain link model with a newer one
• Wanderer pants model updated to reduce seeing through it at times
• Fixed missing physics proxy on a cabinet
• Decreased the blur when looking through warehouse windows
• Adjusted water materials so they "glow" less at night
• Cobweb surface type changed
• Decreased size of some of Spiker's textures - were unnecessarily large
• Wooden shelf texture adjusted
• Day Spa shop floor textures updated
• STANAGx30 textures and material updated
Controlling the Weather System (for server renters)
• Use your server's console access at
• Some of these you may want to add to your hosting.cfg file on i3d's site
Available weather patterns:
1 | ClearSky
2 | LightRain
3 | HeavyRainThunder
4 | HeavyStorm
5 | TornadoStorm
6 | TornadoRainThunder
7 | LightFog
8 | Rainbow
9 | RainbowHalf
wm_startPattern <# or name>
Can be used to immediately start a weather pattern by name or number. The number 0 will automatically select one.
wm_pattern <x>
Can be used for constantly force a weather pattern.
0 | Means no pattern at all
-1 | Means random pattern selection cycle (default)
x | See weather pattern list (needs to be a number)
wm_disable <1/0>
Can be used to disable weather/time manager
0 | Weather manager active (default)
1 | Weather/Time deactivated
wm_forceTime <hours>
Can be used to freeze time to a specific hour
-1 | Time not frozen
0 | Midnight
6 | Sunrise
12 | Noon
18 | Sunset
wm_timeOffset <hours>
Can be used to offset time from system time on server start up
-1 | random offset
0 | no offset
1 | +1 hour offset
use 24-x for real negative offsets (as positive numbers)
wm_timeScale <speedscale>
Scale time of day speed
0.5 | Half of real time
1 | Real time
4 | 4x as fast as real time
512 | 512x as fast as real time
wm_timeScaleNight <speedscale>
Scale of night speed (relative to day)
wm_timeScaleWeather <speedscale>
Scale of weather speed (The weather speed is independent of day/night speed)