

Friday, 29 January 2016

Miscreated Movie - Episode 1

Miscreated Movie - Episode 1

by sgtscortez


Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Patch #31

 Patch #31 - 01/19/16

• Throw strength can now be varied - hold down the left mouse button longer to throw further (careful with Molotov’s!)
• Fixed internal timer issue so things like AI movement is smoother
• Steam DLLs updated to latest version
• EAC updated to latest version - also fixes some issues with AV issues blocking game access
• Added some hints to the loading screens for throwing and using the bow
• Player spawn location height adjusted to prevent spawning in roofs/ceilings
• Issue with particle effects fixed
• Player quickly raises his weapon when picking up a weapon and changing weapons, so you can see what's equipped
• Low health pulsing effect reduced

• Increased VOIP quality level
• Increased reaction speed when talking

• Crossbow added (uses bow sounds currently)
• 357 pistol iron sight is now aligned correctly
• Arrows now have a visual effect the shooter can see to track them better
• Fix for seeing a double weapon model at times
• When using iron sight, it now zooms to the correct zoom level - no need to mouse wheel to zoom in again
• Weight of the recurve bow reduced

• Improved physics proxy on the 5-ton truck to help prevent it getting stuck when hitting objects
• Fixed issue with the camera when entering from third person
• Smoothed camera when driving
• Backpacks may be hidden in some vehicles when riding in them to reduce clipping issues

• Bicycle helmet added
• Bolts added (for Crossbow)
• Map added
• Ammo should no longer disappear when dropped
• Tarp added
• Camouflage netting added
• You can shoot Molotov’s on the ground and they will explode - causes same effect as throwing them
• Shooting a diesel gas can will create a fire damage area around it - like the Molotov’s do

• Recipes added to build specialized arrows and bolts - fire, poison, ...
• Requirements to build a sandbag reduced to half of what it was

Base Building
• Added some small log furniture craftable pieces
• Added craftable lean-to and a few variations of small shelter walls
• Added craftable camouflage walls
• Health increased on the Gatehouse

• Fixed accuracy issue when moving and firing (especially when strafing)
• Kick damage now independent of weapon held
• Can't harvest from kicking (only using typical melee weapons)
• Kicking speed fixed
• Kicking animation now synchronized over the network
• Can use the sniper scope with the gasmask
• Arrow speed slightly increased

• Updated the texture for the base terrain for the world - adds more detail
• Terrain vegetation now blends in with the base terrain color better
• Textures for several terrain layers updated to look better
• Specialized environment probes added so metal and glass don't shine so much at night
• Fixed issue with reflections on the water so it looks a little better
• Moved a weapon spawner that was under a desk and impossible to loot from
• Added lens flare to the sun
• Added shadows on grass for "Very High" spec only
• Windmills now rotate

• AI now does half the damage as before
• Percent change to bleed from AI damage also reduced

• Many improvements and adjustments to textures and materials - 100s of them
• Some unused textures removed from distribution

• Some unused models removed from distribution
• Some huge groups of trash bags replaced with a single, optimized model - a lot more efficient

• Crossbow animations
• Throwing animations improved to fix some issues
• Adjusted the player's right foot so it doesn't bend oddly
